No Sound with Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150mec

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Guest Klaus

No Sound with Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150mec

Postby Guest Klaus » 08 Feb 2005 02:20

Hallo together,

I have the Problem that the Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150mec TV Card has no direkt Sound Output (Line IN) Conection, so each TV Tool work with the Hauppauge TV 88 Tuner PIN: IS2 (Audio OUT) and PIN: 656 (Video OUT) or the following Hardware MPEG Encoder on PIN: IS2 (Audio IN) and Pin: 656 (Video IN) to show the TV Channel.

Is there any possibilitis to work with VLC the same Way?

-The Tool Got TV has an Ficture to select "run Card as Hardware", but there I have the Problem that the Pic and the Sound hangs often if I stream it to my Notebook (any Problem from the PC Side, not the buffer (try up to 4000) I have 54Mbps Wireless Lan, same also with wire)

A small Help were also, if I know were I can chance the Base Configuration from my second TV-Card I buy to fix my first Problem. If I start VLC with this Card, I only get a blue Screen with the Message to Deinstall your new Hardware. :-) The Reason there for is, that the Tuner worked with 30.000 Frames under NTSC_M and not with 25.000 in PAL. I don't found were I can chance it. I search in the Registry and in the "inf" Directory but there it seams OK, the Key 0x00000010 for PAL should be OK.

So now I hope for Help from Professional Gays like you ;-)

Sorry for my English, the best I can.

Greetings from Germany

WinXP Sp1 (Sp2)
nForce Sound
nNidia FX5200
Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150mec
and a cheep 2nd Way Card
Phypoon PCI Capiture TV Card Philips 7134 Chipset

Guest Klaus

Sorry wrong Thread

Postby Guest Klaus » 08 Feb 2005 02:27

maybe you will delete it....

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