Postby markfm » 25 Nov 2004 14:25
You may be able to do this using the VLM interface (do a search in the forum for info on it -- it's also called the Telent interface).
Otherwise, you can do it with a batch program, use Windows' scheduler service or *nix' chron capability. Windows has available several freeware process killing tools, from places like sysinternals.
(If you run XP, use schtasks to schedule things, and XP includes taskkill in the OS)
Small batch file, set to run at :00 each hour:
pskill "vlc.exe"
"C:\program files\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe" command_to_play _the_ad
If the ad is just a still image jpeg, use the vlc:loop to keep it displaying for a while, else it will automatically close after just a few seconds.
For instance: vlc grtrm.jpg --intf="dummy" --dummy-quiet vlc:loop
will display grtrm.jpg until I do a pskill "vlc.exe" to terminate it.
Second small batch file, set to run at :02 each hour (if it's a 2 minute commercial):
pskill "vlc.exe"
"c:\programfiles..." (command to stream the normal program)