VideoLANClient included in WinLibre 0.3

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VideoLANClient included in WinLibre 0.3

Postby pjc » 22 Nov 2004 13:32


I am the main developper from the WinLibre project ( ).

I want to inform you about the inclusion of VLC in WinLibre 0.3.
WinLibre is a free software distribution for Windows aimed at popularizing free/open source software.
I want to thank you all for your impressive work.


Pierre-Jean Coudert, WinLibre.

WinLibre is a rigorous selection of free, legal software for Windows 98, 2000, XP :
- WinLibre packages this quality software in a complete and coherent product
- WinLibre software meets your essential needs : Office (word processor, spreadsheet, presentation), Internet (web, email, messaging), Multimedia (music, video), Create (drawing, music), Tools (file compression, antivirus)
- WinLibre automates and simplifies their installation
WinLibre 0.3 content:
* Office : 1.1.3, PDFCreator 0.8
* Internet : FireFox 1.0, ThunderBird 0.9, FileZilla 2.2.9, Nvu 0.50, Gaim 1.0.2
* Create : Gimp 2.0.5, Inkscape 0.39, Blender 2.34, Audacity 1.2.2
* Multimedia : Zinf 2.2.1, WinLame rc3, CDex 1.51, VideoLanClient 0.8.0
* Tools: 7-Zip 3.13, ThightVnc 1.3dev5,NetTime 2.0b7, ClamWin 0.35.4, Notepad2 1.0.12

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 22 Nov 2004 21:10

Thank you and praises to you for spreading Open Source and Free Software.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby zorglub » 23 Nov 2004 11:33


Thanks for including VLC and for your work.

Just a remark, "VideoLAN client" is the old name. We decided to give up that name because VLC is not just a client anymore. Prefered name is "VLC" or "VLC media player".
Clément Stenac

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Postby pjc » 23 Nov 2004 12:51

OK, I will change the name for the next WinLibre release.

Pierre-Jean Coudert

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