Converting files to another format

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New Cone
New Cone
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Converting files to another format

Postby davidcushworth » 09 Nov 2004 05:29

I have these AVI files on a Casablnca system and want to convert them to DV or MOV. VLS is the only player that will play the originals, but I need to get them into a format I can use.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 09 Nov 2004 18:03

If the files can play with VLC, you can stream them out to a new format.

File -- Open file, pick the "Stream output" checkbox and select "Settings". In Stream Ouput, type in a valid filename (e.g., myfile.asf). Pick the Encapsulation method appropriate to the file extension (ASF in this case). Pick audio and video CODECs generally appropriate to the container type (for ASF, say DIV3 video and mp3 audio). Pick/adjust the bitrate. (if you aren't streaming over the network, just want to change the format, you might to nudge the video bitrate up to 3 Mbps, maximum quality, and perhaps you'll want to increase audio bitrate and/or change the number of channels the audio is output as).

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