Would this be an appropriate solution to my dilemma?

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Would this be an appropriate solution to my dilemma?

Postby Justin » 27 May 2004 04:41

This is the problem I have:

Sometime in the near future I will be getting a new PC in a place in my house that does not have ready access to a cable jack. I would like to be able to watch TV on this PC so I have been searching for a way to stream live TV over a wireless network that I will be putting in place.

I have a few things that I would like to be cleared up, if you please:

1.) Approx. how much memory and CPU power will videoLAN take up when it is streaming video over my network? The PC I plan to use to stream will be used by the rest of my family. (The system is not all that powerful. XP Home; AMD Athlon XP 2200+ 1.8 Ghz;512MB ram)

2.) Is it possible that the traffic caused by the streaming video will slow down the network any? If so, how much?

3.) Is there any way I could change the channel on the capture card from the remote PC (the one I will be viewing it on)

4.) The PC I plan to use to stream already has a graphics card so I would just like to get a capture card. Is there anything special that I should be looking for, maybe even some suggestions of brands and products?

Thank you very much for taking this time. I would just not like to start this endeavor misinformed.

I think that is all for now.

Thanks again,


me again

Postby Justin » 27 May 2004 04:45

It's me again.

I just realized I may have posted this in the wring section. Would it be better in the streaming section.

Anyone with the power, feel free to move appropriately.

Terribly Sorry,

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