Postby markfm » 17 Apr 2004 12:54
You need to set vlc as the default program for whatever file types you want.
There are two ways to do this. The first method is to open a Windows Explorer window. Select Tools -- Folder Options, then click on the File Types tab. Scroll down to find the file extension you want (example, MPEG uses the two extensions ".mpg" and ".mpeg"), then click the Change button to let you select the default program. Browse to where you keep vlc.exe, select it.
The second method is from a DOS command line. The commands are assoc and ftype. For setting vlc to play mpeg files, what I type into a DOS shell is:
assoc .mpg=mpegfile
assoc .mpeg=mpegfile
ftype mpegfile="C:\Program Files\vlc\vlc.exe" "%1"
Windows uses an "association", maps file extensions to logical names. In the above I chose to map both .mpg and .mpeg to the logical name "mpegfile". The ftype command is what tells Windows what to do with the file. The C:\ part is the full path to the program, vlc.exe. The "%1" tells Windows that it is working against the first parameter in its input buffer (this is ancient DOS batch file stuff, where you pull off strings from a command line using %1, %2, etc. for the first, second,... chunks of text)
Note that there is no "white space" around the "=" sign -- the strings are of the form "g=m", NOT "g = m".
The above is the generic way to do it, will launch VLC with the user command GUI bar and open the movie.