Can't automatically play a DVD in OS X any more.

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Can't automatically play a DVD in OS X any more.

Postby Guest » 02 Mar 2004 17:47

(I know there's a proper bug tracking system for this, but it expected me to jump through a whole lot of hoops just to report a bug, talk about counterproductive - so I'll just spam this list with my bug report in the hopes that it annoys someone into making a sensible bug reporting method)

It used to be possible (with the last working version of VLC in OS X - 0.6.2) to use the following applescript code to open a DVD automatically when inserted into the DVD drive.

tell application "vlc" to openurl "dvdold:///dev/rdisk1@1,1"

Now VLC starts and then terminates immediately when using this method. It still plays DVD content fine off a DVD, it just does not accept this syntax anymore and crashes immediately, complete with the 'unexpected termination' diatribe.

I'm using OS X 10.3.2 on a PowerBook G4 667 (gigabit ethernet) with 512 Mb RAM.


Postby Guest » 18 Mar 2004 00:06

I;m not familiar with OS 10.3 as yet, but in the old OS 10.2.6 you can just go into system prefs/hardware/CDs & DVDs, and just tell it to open VLC when you insert a DVD. Use the GUI, why mess about with syntax.

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