We are looking for someone who has experience with running videolan over Alcatel switches. I believe we are having problems with switch settings that are causing the VLC client to freeze after about 7 hours receiving streaming video from VLS.
Just to see whether videolan may be the problem we set up two simple experiments, 1) a VLS server and single VLC client on a closed network, 2) a VLS server and single VLC client on a vlan. Each pair of computers were identically configured:
client: Dell Pentium 4, 2.4Ghz, 512MB RAM, 64MB video, MS Windows 2000 Professional, vlc 0.62.
Server: Dell Pentium 4, 2.4Ghz, 512MB RAM, 64MB video, Mandrake 9, vls 0.5 server software, pvr250.
Experiments were run through December 2003 and January 2004...
The two machines in the closed network were connected through a netgear 10/100 switch (about $80). The server continuously sent mpeg2 video, 24hrs/day for over 30 days to the VLC client. The server finally froze on the 31st day.
On the vlan, running over the alcatel switches, the client froze about every 6-7 hours, and required restarting.
Our network administrators believe Videolan to be the problem. We believe that the Alactel switches are the problem. The network administrators have most experience with streaming video and videoconferencing over Cisco switches. They want input from an external source before they bring the Alcatel reps in to look at the switches.
Frank Marchese