I am kind of confused, I have download the vlc-snapshot-20040222 and contrib-20030729-win32-bin.tar.tar form this site and try to complie them with cygwin. It did compile in one mechine but in another mechine it is not compiling. Does anyone know why this can be doing this ? This is what how I configured
mayooran@home-umah17sqp0 ~/desktop/Current version/vlc-snapshot-20040222
$ ./bootstrap && CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/win32/include -I/usr/win32/include/ebml" LDFL
AGS=-L/usr/win32/lib CC="gcc -mno-cygwin" CXX="g++ -mno-cygwin" ./configure --d
isable-sdl --disable-gtk --enable-nls --enable-ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --e
nable-faad --enable-flac --enable-theora --with-wx-config-paht=/usr/win32/bin -
-with-freetype-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --with-fribidi-config-path=/usr/win32
/bin --disable-mkv --disable-skins --disable-skins2 --enable-debug
It gave me the follwoing error......
configure: WARNING: libdvdcss is no longer provided with vlc; please get libdvdc
ss from http://www.videolan.org/libdvdcss/ and build it. Then either use --with-
dvdcss=<path/where/libdvdcss/was/installed> for dynamic linking (recommended und
er Unix) or --with-dvdcss-tree=<path/where/libdvdcss/was/built> for static linki
ng (recommended under BeOS, Windows, MacOS X). Alternatively you can use --disab
le-dvd to disable the DVD plugin.
configure: error: cannot find libdvdcss headers