recieve media only when the client connects

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recieve media only when the client connects

Postby pollux » 23 Feb 2004 20:04

I am a little confused...When I set up Icecast streaming server, I can stream live stuff to a client ONLY when a client connects to the server. Can Videolan not do this? I was able to set up Videolan in a way where you put the clients ip in the cfg file and the client recieves the live stream weather they want it or not. can I config Videolan so it send the video only when the client connects to it, like Icecast?

Can someone please explain the difference

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 608
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 10:59

Postby Gibalou » 24 Feb 2004 10:59

For this, you have to either use multicast or use http streaming (this last one is only supported by the VLC stream output, not VLS).

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