Skin? Player Faq? Smirks?

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New Cone
New Cone
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Skin? Player Faq? Smirks?

Postby Arby » 28 Jan 2004 14:29

Hello all. Firstly, Thanks to the open source folks who have provided me with this nice little proggy.

I see only a faq for this forum. I was looking for a faq for the vlc, if someone would be so kind. Perhaps I missed it.

I'm not a techie. I have only newbie level knowledge when it comes to computers and the net. Obviously, I don't know other things either, like coding etc.. Hey, I'm a good speller and I type okay!

Anyhow, I know that there's a default skin for the vlc. I even managed to find it on a previous version. (I've been following, and recommending, vlc for a while.) I see the folder for 'skins' in the vlc folder, but I see nothing that installs the provided skin.

I had a look at the skins on the vlc site and rather liked the Aqua thingy, which I downloaded. I haven't tried to install that yet. I figured that I still needed to find out whether there is a faq for the program.

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 28 Jan 2004 14:08

Postby Arby » 28 Jan 2004 14:41

Sorry about the dumb question. I found the blaringly obvious selection for 'skin'. Now you know why I inserted 'Smirks' into my topic headline.


I don't see how to activate the aquax skin I just downloaded, however.
*5 trillion dollars sit, untaxed, in offshore tax havens, protected by George Bush, while 'leaders' everywhere whine that they can't afford social spending!*

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby joseph5 » 28 Jan 2004 16:57

Settings > Switch Interface > Skins
if the default skin appears, right click on the taskbar, select change skin
and select the .vlt file.


Postby Guest » 29 Jan 2004 14:09


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