Anyway to play the encrypted MPEG2 movie?

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Anyway to play the encrypted MPEG2 movie?

Postby Jess » 17 Jun 2005 06:14


Anyway to play the encrypted MPEG2 movie? like mpeg2 movie is encrypted by verimatrix , can it play on VLC player? if yes, please give me some solution for me. thanks.

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Re: Anyway to play the encrypted MPEG2 movie?

Postby fkuehne » 17 Jun 2005 21:03

As far as I know, VLC does not support any encrypted MPEG2-content except CSS-encoded stuff (used on DVDs) and CSA-encoded things (used in DVB transmissions). Any thing else does not run and its not on our roadmap to support that. Additionally, this is probably rather illegal in Europe where our entire team and all servers are located.
If you got some spare-time left, don't hesitate to write a patch though.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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