Some movies simply crash

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Some movies simply crash

Postby Guest » 17 Jan 2005 00:00

Having downloaded various films while playing them on the latest version of VLC for OSX, I have noticed some strange things. One particular film I have plays beautifully for 56 seconds before it freezes -every time.

I have noticed than on films that work, it is possible to use the forward and rewind features, but on this film it is impossible. Sorry for the pathetic vague description, but as you may have gathered i am not very technical!

Is it the film or is it VLC?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 1536
Joined: 22 Feb 2004 17:42

Postby markfm » 17 Jan 2005 00:32

It sounds like, if other files play OK, you simply have a broken file. Not everything posted on the Web is good. Some files have messed-up timing information, others may just be "garbled" -- crud in the file.


Postby Guest » 16 Apr 2005 20:10

I had a similar problem once and it was the file that was faulty. It had multiple broken frames within it. I used a program called VirtualDub to remove the broken frames (they stood out! were just green screens i think) and then saved it out as a new avi and it worked fine. A missing frame here and there makes no difference to the quality of the viewing. Not sure if VirtualDub is the best program for it though. You may be able to use something like Adobe Premiere if you have it. But I think VirtualDub is still free. Good luck

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