HeLLo, i'm PhiL_use Mac osx 10.3.8 on a PowerBook G4 and one year later my favorite program is down! NEED HELP_i use it every DAY!!!!_after installing some new programs like "Skype" et "ivisit" wille my VLC was opened (i think so) i couldn't open any more movies_there is only "VLC" writen on the top bar menu and i can only choose: hide, show,quit..._i've reinstalled several times even the new version (0.8.1) there is no chage_it's like all options are missing! i also reinstalled my OSX 10.3.4, no chage_Here's my mail:
iaipi@hotmail.com____if sombody has a proposition i'll just wait for it_it's the only program i found whitch can read any quind of files even unfinish downLoads_and i missed 4 that specific staffF