How do I do this?

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How do I do this?

Postby Dime » 29 Nov 2004 06:56

OK what I want is to record a high quality video of whatever is on my computer screen.

I've tried using video capture programs to do it but they take up way to much CPU when recording in reasonable quality. So what I was think is streaming the video through a lan onto another computer and recording it on that.

Can anyone explain how I can do this?

I have an ATI X800 pro if that helps.

Thanks in advance.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 1536
Joined: 22 Feb 2004 17:42

Postby markfm » 29 Nov 2004 12:54

You're pretty much stuck. You cannot stream the raw video captures made by screen:// in VLC -- you need to use transcoding, compress them with a CODEC.

The option --screen-fragment-size applies to Windows only, possibly. On Windows I use a value of 16. What this controls is how VLC subdivides the screen area for capture, so that there is less jerkiness.

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