Combine multiple .TS files into a single .TS file?

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Combine multiple .TS files into a single .TS file?

Postby guest » 09 Sep 2004 01:44

Pardon my ignorance, but can the VLC program take multiple .TS files and combine them into a single .TS file? I have a bunch of short .TS files that were recorded from an HDTV broadcast of a single program, and I want to combine them into a single .TS file of the show.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 893
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 09:38

Postby Sigmund » 09 Sep 2004 09:48

This can be done like this:
vlc file1 --file-cat file2,file3,file4 ...

or you can do cat file 1 file2 file3 file4 >bigfile

Both these _may_ work, but if your files are not cut on ts-packet-borders it may still fail

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