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by patrick99e99
09 Apr 2022 07:26
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Is there a way to auto zoom to compensate for black borders?
Replies: 1
Views: 192

Is there a way to auto zoom to compensate for black borders?

Occasionally I am viewing a video that is not full screen, and has black borders around it, and I would like a way to zoom in so that either the left/right or top/bottom edges are flush to the screen. I was hopeful that I could just go to video effects > geometry > magnification/zoom, but that puts ...
by patrick99e99
09 Apr 2022 07:23
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: is the player transport bar customizable at all?
Replies: 1
Views: 207

is the player transport bar customizable at all?

Occasionally I would like to use VLC to play DVDs, and one thing that has been driving me crazy is the |<< >>| buttons (next and previous), don't change chapters, but instead they change what's selecting within the playlist... Is there a way to assign these buttons to chapters instead? Also, I am us...
by patrick99e99
20 Dec 2010 01:58
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: multiple video windows and chaining them together
Replies: 3
Views: 741

Re: multiple video windows and chaining them together

Hi, Thanks for the reply.. I am on a mac--- And looking at that wikipage, I don't really understand how I can achieve what I am looking for. To open multiple VLC instances, would I need to duplicate my VLC application, and run two programs? Or is there a way to do this via the command-line? Lastly, ...
by patrick99e99
18 Dec 2010 23:40
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: multiple video windows and chaining them together
Replies: 3
Views: 741

multiple video windows and chaining them together

Hi, So-- If I have camera footage of multiple angles, and i want to watch them all simultaneously-- I can't do that in VLC because it only allows one window at a time (or is there a way around this?)... More importantly, I would love the ability to chain these multiple windows together, so that they...

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