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by meyertet
20 Jan 2019 14:34
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: [Service Discovery] mediathek (ARD, ZDF, ...)
Replies: 10
Views: 20484

Re: [Service Discovery] mediathek (ARD, ZDF, ...)

Hi there, i am trying to get the mediathek plug in working on a WIndows 10 machine. I copied the mediathek.lua in the direrctory C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\mediathek.lua and restartet VLC Player 3.0.2. The mediathek plug in shows up under "Ansicht" but not in the play lis...
by meyertet
05 Dec 2010 20:40
Forum: VLM
Topic: VLC Recording Timer
Replies: 1
Views: 2972

VLC Recording Timer

Hello, i am looking for a solution recording radio broadcoasting with VLC Player. So far i managed to stream a online radio broadcast to the vlc player and transcode/save it to a file using media > open network stream >... . Now i want to record a broadcast that starts at 1 am and ends at 2 am. I le...

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