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by Mano
16 Sep 2010 20:01
Forum: VLC media player Translations
Topic: Extract closed captions from mpeg2 stream
Replies: 2
Views: 4497

Re: Extract closed captions from mpeg2 stream

Thank for your reply! I am willing to look into the vlc code to see if I could add this feature. Could someone give me some pointers to help me look in the right direction? I tried CCExtractor which I believe is also opensource, but the only issue is that CCExtractor works on saved video files to ex...
by Mano
14 Sep 2010 20:46
Forum: VLC media player Translations
Topic: Extract closed captions from mpeg2 stream
Replies: 2
Views: 4497

Extract closed captions from mpeg2 stream

Hello All, I am working on a project which requires extracting closed captions from a mpeg2 stream in order to use the CC text to pull up the relevant sign language signs which would help hearing impaired people in watching the program. I could see that VLC 1.1.4 provides the option to enable closed...

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