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by Inzevision
18 Aug 2010 20:12
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: VLS input media "multicast"? Possible?
Replies: 3
Views: 8108

Re: VLS input media "multicast"? Possible?

Thank you! It is all I need.
by Inzevision
18 Aug 2010 13:02
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: VLS input media "multicast"? Possible?
Replies: 3
Views: 8108

VLS input media "multicast"? Possible?

Sorry my English
Can I input multicast stream in VLS and output multicast stream to anothe address?
For example:
input udp://@, then output

I can do this with VLC but I have 120 IP-TV channels and some VLC procces make too match memmory.

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