"I don't remember why it didn't work for me when I tried it a long time ago." OK, I found out what the problem was. It appears that there is a bug in the newest version of ffmpegX, v.0.0.9t. I couldn't convert my video clips using that version, but I accidentally tried using the older vers...
I found VLC's GUI useable enough without the wizzard. The problem was that VLC wasn't able to convert my audio from the G.726 codec to the mp4a codec on the Mac. I think you said in another thread that VLC's MPEG4 is buggy and is not being addressed in the current beta. I went back to ffmpegX and th...
"I am trying to convert from ASF to any format (probably MPEG4) capable of playing on QuickTime/iMovie. " What codec does your camcorder use for audio? You can get the codec name from VLC. Select "Info" from the "Window" menu while you play the video. I think if your ca...
"I can't seem to get any audio out of my clips" I'm in the same boat as you. My cameras saves MPEG4 video clips in .asf containers and I want to get these files onto my video iPod. I convert to mp4v and mp4a, but QT wont play any audio. My camcorder creates files using the G.726 codec for ...
I realize that VLC wasn't created for converting files, but that might be especially useful now with the new video iPod. I think there are a lot of people like me who would like to get some WMP MPEG4 files into QT so we can convert it to an iPod supported format. Maybe you guys could create a Pro ve...