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by bhoeneis
11 Jul 2010 11:00
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: RTSP keeplive & video freezing
Replies: 8
Views: 7445

Patch for "RTSP keeplive & video freezing"

Below you can find a patch that adds a configuration option to enforce sending GET_PARAMETER for keep-alive, if the user explicitly wants this . This is a workaround for RTSP servers that are badly behaving (i.e. they do not inform that they need GET_PARAMETER requests for keep-alive, but stop the m...
by bhoeneis
07 Jul 2010 20:45
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: RTSP keeplive & video freezing
Replies: 8
Views: 7445

Re: RTSP keeplive & video freezing

Thanks for your quick response! Why would it be idiotic to try, just because the server does not inform about this feature in its "Public" Header Field? (In this case the server [Server: WMServer/] does not even send a "Public" Header Field. :-( ) I cannot fix MY server...
by bhoeneis
06 Jul 2010 22:56
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: RTSP keeplive & video freezing
Replies: 8
Views: 7445

Re: RTSP keeplive & video freezing

Hi! Would it be possible to make the usage of GET_PARAMETER requests configurable, i.e. the user can explicitly override what has been negotiated with the OPTIONS method, to always (or never) use GET_PARAMETER requests? This way VLC would provide a workaround for poor server implementations (and onl...

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