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by traycer
22 Jun 2019 17:37
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Multiple hotkeys for same action
Replies: 0
Views: 321

Multiple hotkeys for same action

I'd like to assign more than one hotkey to the same action, e.g.: bind the faster/slower playback actions to PageUp/PageDn, Alt-MouseUp/Alt-MouseDn, and Keypad+/Keypad-. I can currently workaround this using something like AHK, but it would be much preferable with this functionality in VLC itself. T...
by traycer
25 Jun 2010 07:46
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Building font cache never ends - SOLVED !
Replies: 13
Views: 31820

Re: Building font cache never ends and makes hang everything

windozer, I'm running Windows 7 with about 485 fonts, and it took 1.1 a couple of minutes to build the font cache the first time it ran. I don't think I specifically installed East Asian language support, although I do have various Chinese fonts loaded. Grab ProcMon (

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