Hello, I am using kaffeine on a Linux machine to send a DVB-Stream to the broadcast address of the subnet. When I use vlc on Windows XP to open the network stream, I get a very bad display quality. This problem only occurs since version 0.9.0, earlier versions do not have that problem. Can I do some...
I did some further research and found that the display problems occur since version 0.9.x, my Linux version of vlc is 0.8.6.h, the Windows version of vlc is 1.0.5. So, I guess that the display problems are not Windows-specific. I will open another thread elsewhere.
I found out that I must not enter an IP address on the client side. If I simply choose UDP, Port 1234, it "somehow" works: I can display the stream data in a Windows XP vlc client, but in contrast to a Linux vlc client, I have a very bad display quality.
Hello, I am using kaffeine on a Linux machine to send a DVB stream (UDP, Port 1234) to the broadcast address On other Linux machines, VLC can receive and display the stream data. But on Windows XP, I get the following error messages: main error: socket bind error (Cannot assign reques...