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by thebluebishop
14 Jul 2010 12:32
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: "Virtual" video capture device / Real Video
Replies: 2
Views: 4181

Re: "Virtual" video capture device / Real Video

Hi. I don´t know if VLC is able to ouput to a "virtual sink", but using DirectShow filters (for Windows) or GStreamer may be useful for your purpouse. You may even do the whole process (Real Produce streaming) with GStreamer, but I'm not sure about it. Just for extra info... In Windows you...
by thebluebishop
14 Jul 2010 01:48
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Compositing multiple streams from security cams into a grid
Replies: 1
Views: 5550

Re: Compositing multiple streams from security cams into a g

Hi. I can´t help with the second question, but I think you should try the "mosaic" filter in VLC for the first one. I´m using it to preview a 3x4 grid of streams/files/webcams from VoD with no issues apart from hardware limitations. In VLC 1.0.5 this VLM file works fine: del all # ########...
by thebluebishop
12 Jul 2010 16:48
Forum: VLM
Topic: VLC rtsp streaming question. (re-reposted)
Replies: 4
Views: 2882

Re: VLC rtsp streaming question. (re-reposted)

Just enable channel after transcode. Try:

Code: Select all

new Test vod enabled setup Test input /path/to/video.avi setup Test output #transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=128} setup Test enabled

I hope it helps.
by thebluebishop
15 Jun 2010 22:31
Forum: VLC 1.1.0 testing
Topic: Command '--intf telnet' doesn't seem to work
Replies: 3
Views: 24230

Re: Command '--intf telnet' doesn't seem to work

It didn´t but... I think it might be an reinstall issue of any kind. I returned to 1.0.5 to continue my work but I´ll have to try 1.1.0, so in a few days I´ll answer deeply. If there are no major changes in the --intf from 1.0.5 it's very plausible that I had any non-admin issue or something in that...
by thebluebishop
14 Jun 2010 17:08
Forum: VLC 1.1.0 testing
Topic: Command '--intf telnet' doesn't seem to work
Replies: 3
Views: 24230

Command '--intf telnet' doesn't seem to work

Hi. I have a Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM and Windows Vista (updated) 32bit. I´ve just installed VLC 1.1.0 and my first attemp to run it has been: vlc --intf telnet --telnet-port 23 In 1.0.5, this works perfectly, but in 1.1.0, the VLC process appears but no interface is created (or so it seems). I have to k...
by thebluebishop
14 Jun 2010 03:43
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Use marquee option on a video file from telnet interface
Replies: 2
Views: 1306

Re: Use marquee option on a video file from telnet interface

Hi. This is my first post and I hope it will be useful. In order to modify the marquee by the telnet interface you need to "name" that marquee. You can do this as follows: new... setup... blahblah... setup mosaic output #transcode{deinterlace,sfilter='mosaic:marq@texto{marquee=sometext,x=2...

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