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by ThermalStudios
11 Jun 2010 20:00
Forum: Skins
Topic: How can I make a text field area draggable?
Replies: 0
Views: 1005

How can I make a text field area draggable?

Hello, At the top of my skin I have a text field that shows the name of the file being played. I would like to make the entire top area draggable. What I mean is, you can click and drag the entire media player UI. The image behind the text field is currently draggable but the text always seem to tak...
by ThermalStudios
14 May 2010 21:54
Forum: Skins
Topic: Is it possible to add web links to skins?
Replies: 3
Views: 1877

Is it possible to add web links to skins?


Is there an undocumented command for creating buttons that will launch a web url in a browser? Our company is creating a branded skin and want the logo on the player to link to the company's website.

Any help is appreciated.

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