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by phlegma
21 Jun 2010 14:24
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: How to start using libVLC inside C# code...?
Replies: 2
Views: 729

Re: How to start using libVLC inside C# code...?

Hi Some information about working with libvlc can be find here: The code Reference can you find here: The required files are (need to be in the same folder like your application): axvlc...
by phlegma
21 Jun 2010 14:07
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC
Replies: 5
Views: 1417

Re: C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC


I'm just wondering because it it worked before with libvlc version 0.9.
Now switching to with version 1.1 is does not work anymore.
Were there so big changes in the vmem module ?

best regards
by phlegma
11 Jun 2010 12:52
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC
Replies: 5
Views: 1417

Re: C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC

i had a workaround for vmem and c# (see code) thats work fine with libvlc 0.9 now switching to version 1.1 it does not work any more. Can me anbody tell what changes or where are my mistake? When the lock function is called the whole programm crashes. no error mesasge or anything else. Create a new ...
by phlegma
10 Jun 2010 12:47
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC
Replies: 5
Views: 1417

Re: C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC

this throws an error also

Code: Select all

[DllImport("libvlc" , CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)] internal static extern string libvlc_get_version();
any suggestion?
by phlegma
02 Jun 2010 10:23
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC
Replies: 5
Views: 1417

C# Wrapper with libvlc version 1.1 RC

Hi, I'm started to write an c# warpper for the version 1.1 of libvlc. I'm new to libvlc and hope i can find here some help. I want to collect all the experince and problems in this thread. my first issues i want to discuss is: When i init the libvlc and call the function libvlc_get_version i get an ...
by phlegma
02 Jun 2010 10:02
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Status on libvlcnet or any other C# binding
Replies: 16
Views: 3944

Re: Status on libvlcnet or any other C# binding

Hi im also interested in using the libvlc in c#. I want to integrated the vlc libary in the software vvvv . Their plugins are written in c#. I made some tests with the libversion 0.9 and it worked great, but now i want to switch to the version 1.1 because of the improvments. I start...

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