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by danieleq
27 Feb 2010 15:56
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libVLC and RealBasic
Replies: 2
Views: 2001

Re: libVLC and RealBasic

As far as I remember from my RealBasic experience (wow, that's probably 6 years ago now in RB's 4.5 days), you need to create a RealBasic plugin in C which can easily use libvlc's C interface to expose its features to RealBasic. libvlc can draw video using xcb, x11 and OpenGL on Linux. One of those...
by danieleq
24 Feb 2010 23:03
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libVLC and RealBasic
Replies: 2
Views: 2001

libVLC and RealBasic

Hello, I need to make a program with RealBasic ( running on Linux platform. This program must be show video, comig from a video capture device, inside a RB form. I need to show video, record to mpeg2 file and take snapshot. I'm evaluating the possibility to use libVLC for...

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