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by moti.lahiani
15 Nov 2012 07:50
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: using vlc web plugin in html page help
Replies: 1
Views: 987

using vlc web plugin in html page help

Hello all I develop a site and i want to let the user to watch video from my server(site). to do that i want to embed the vlc in my page. i see the documented vlc page and the example there but my question is: is the user need to install the vlc (the full vlc application) to able watching my videos?...
by moti.lahiani
04 Jan 2011 13:05
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: run vlc using libvlc as rtsp server
Replies: 3
Views: 8621

Re: run vlc using libvlc as rtsp server

Thanks for your reply

An application is download the file from some where and i get the path (in the temp directory) where the file is download to.
and i want to show/play the file while its still downloading
by moti.lahiani
02 Jan 2011 07:59
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: run vlc using libvlc as rtsp server
Replies: 3
Views: 8621

run vlc using libvlc as rtsp server

Hello all I'm new to vlc, rtsp and streaming i have a project that i need to play a video file (avi container with codec h264/mpeg/mpeg4) or audio file (mp3,wav...) while the file is downloading. the idea i have is: when the file is downloading open vlc rtsp server and stream the file to ...
by moti.lahiani
30 Dec 2010 16:25
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc as server
Replies: 2
Views: 679

Re: libvlc as server

because i dont know what to pass as file to:
/* Create a new LibVLC media descriptor */
_m = libvlc_media_new (_vlcinstance, file.toAscii(), &_vlcexcep);

what will be the string i need to pass (as file) to libvlc_media_new?
by moti.lahiani
30 Dec 2010 13:21
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc as server
Replies: 2
Views: 679

libvlc as server

Hello all I want to build an rtsp server application using libvlc to stream media files and a client using rtsp for playing the file. my problems: for the client i use const char * const vlc_args[] = { "-I", "dummy", /* Don't use any interface */ "--ignore-config", /* D...
by moti.lahiani
23 Dec 2010 11:10
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: how to streaming downloading file
Replies: 0
Views: 439

how to streaming downloading file

Hello all and thanks for your time. I'm new to VLC (and streaming) i need to develop a cpp application (i use qt too) for streaming a video file and show it on qt widget. 1) where can i download the last libvlc and libvlccore (for all platform)and what is the different from libvlc-dev and libvlccore...
by moti.lahiani
06 May 2010 17:07
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Play while download, Pause on streaming
Replies: 2
Views: 2944

Re: Play while download, Pause on streaming

Hi morz
i try to do the same thing with my application.
can you please help me with that?
how can i stream the file? what command line i should give the vlc ?
if you can publish some code it will help me
thanks alot
by moti.lahiani
07 Apr 2010 12:20
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: plugins explanation
Replies: 3
Views: 572

Re: plugins explanation

Thanks for your replay
but what about all libaccess, libaout, libaudio and more
what they are used for?
is there any document about all plugins?
by moti.lahiani
07 Apr 2010 11:18
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: plugins explanation
Replies: 3
Views: 572

plugins explanation

Hello all
where can i find explanation about all vlc plugins
i want to delete some plugins that i dont need
the motivation is:
i want to develop application only for mp3 .
what plugins i need?
if i'll want to support more codecs how can i know what plugging i have to have
by moti.lahiani
07 Feb 2010 08:55
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: streaming using vlc to default player or to my player implem
Replies: 0
Views: 391

streaming using vlc to default player or to my player implem

hello all. i'm very new to streaming. i develop a cross platform client application (using QT) and a server. the client show all file in server and let the user pick one (by double click), download it to the local pc and open it with the default application( that open that kind of file according to ...

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