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by satsepp
23 Jan 2005 22:30
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC 0.8.1 don´t stopp if i stopp at D-BOX
Replies: 1
Views: 433

VLC 0.8.1 don´t stopp if i stopp at D-BOX

My vlc 0.8.1 don´t stopp if i stop playing at d-box.
0.7.2 (my last) stopped verry well.

Its maybe one setting wrong?

If i stopp vlx at PC (Windows 2000) i can browse and start again at D-BOX, bevore stopping i get no file Informations.

Thanks for any Help.

by satsepp
26 Nov 2003 18:15
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Snap 19.11.03 Bug?
Replies: 0
Views: 3642

Snap 19.11.03 Bug?

Hi, with Snap of 19.11.03 i can start dowloaded movies (DIV-X) to use at D-BOX2, but after 1-4 Minutes Movie sayes "Buffern" and don´t resynk. Movie stopps after this message. Maybe its error in all downloaded Movies? Movies direktly recordet with D_BOX and N-GRAB od WINGRAB-E working verr...

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