Hello laplasz,
Great !
I don't think you can update here.
The best could be to send me the file and I will do up the update, if you agree. Thanks again !
Hello, I am not sure that my wish is reasonable, but it would be great if it was possible to get the current subtitle (maybe as a table ? I do not know how it is treated in VLC). Currently my script reads external subtitle files, from a specific format (subrip). This feature would allow my script: *...
Hello again ! To make easier the use of my script , I would need to get the path of the file which is currently read by VLC (maybe I missed this possibility). In order that the file subtitle can be automatically identified as long as it has the same name (except the extension) and is in the same dir...
Hello, I just come back from holidays. Thanks a lot for your adds, I will make some tests with my script as soon as possible. Of course I would like that it is integrated in 1.1 (since it is a bit hard to read definitions during the default time) but it is up to you...
The main issue is that the OSD duration is a bit too short for reading a definition.
If somebody knows how to configure it in VLC (or better how to manage it in the LUA script...)
Thanks !
Hello, Here is a first release : thanks to test and give some remarks... Many thanks to Ale5000, his script was very helpful for me... download : http://download.tuxfamily.org/polyglotte/scripts/traduction.lua You must put the file in the folder: - Linux: ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/ - Windows...
Is there a preference to modify in order to have longer OSD on the screen ? I can't see it !
I want to display some OSD in a lua script and I would even like that the OSD stays on the screen as long as the user decides.
I found a libvlc method which should make what I want : libvlc_media_player_get_time . Its signature is : libvlc_time_t libvlc_media_player_get_time ( libvlc_media_player_t * , libvlc_exception_t * ) I saw in the Lua documentation that we could use var.libvlc_command to launch this method, but I do ...
Hello, I tried your extension. seems very kind ! :D It works fine for me... (linux ubuntu 9.04 + vlc 1.1 beta) just : i don't really understand the goal of the button "+". it would maybe be clearer if we knew that no subtitle was found (in fact i was wondering if it worked or not) that'is ...
Same problem as here.
When I drag and drop a *.srt subtitle when reading a DVD, it does not appear : (in fact it appears after 1 hour 30 elapsed in the movie... strange...)
This subtitle perfectly works with a divx. The subtitle encoding is utf8 and i precised in the VLC preferences utf8.
Thanks !