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by tony4
14 Jan 2010 13:58
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: per-file video looping
Replies: 1
Views: 1971

Re: per-file video looping

Hey there,

can anyone please fill me in if I can somehow automate setting/clearing the LOOP property of a playlist item?

Thanks a lot in advance!
by tony4
06 Jan 2010 14:14
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: per-file video looping
Replies: 1
Views: 1971

per-file video looping

I'm looking into lua to achieve the following: I have a playlist with various video files, all have the same format. I want to control the looping option on a per-file basis. Here's an example 1. opener (fade in - plays only once, automatically transitions into (2)) 2. looped video (shall loop autom...

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