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by pengyou
01 Sep 2012 12:22
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC in English on a Chinese OS
Replies: 1
Views: 139

VLC in English on a Chinese OS

I asked this question about a year ago and wanted to see if there had been any changes. Is it possible to install English VLC on a computer that has a Chinese OS? I think it is XP but might be 7
by pengyou
10 Feb 2011 14:17
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Opera plugin?
Replies: 5
Views: 2806

Opera plugin?

I have read people in other forums talking about a vlc plug-in for opera but I cannot find any VLC plugins for any browser, even though I am pretty sure I used it when I used Firefox. Is there such a thing? If so, how do I go about getting it?
by pengyou
27 Dec 2009 04:36
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: What exactly does the plug-in do?
Replies: 1
Views: 1080

What exactly does the plug-in do?

I have a fresh install of xp on my desktop and am looking at how I can keep it as streamlined as possible. For some strange reason, I always end up with about half a dozen media players on my pc within a few months of "giving birth". Because of this I was looking at the VLC plug-in for Fir...

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