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by korador
27 Dec 2009 11:35
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Severely Stuttering DTS/DD Audio
Replies: 39
Views: 11217

Re: Severely Stuttering DTS/DD Audio

hey thanks, the vlc-1.1.0-git-20091226-0002-win32 is working for me with S/PDIF. But there is another issue now. The fullscreen mode isn't working anymore. Everytime I try to get in fullscreen mode it looks like this: or
by korador
26 Dec 2009 19:14
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Severely Stuttering DTS/DD Audio
Replies: 39
Views: 11217

Re: Severely Stuttering DTS/DD Audio

Hey, I've got the same issue with playing dd/dts over S/PDIF. I've also tried to set the audio-output to "Win32 waveOut extension output" and I tried to set the Audio Device for the "waveOut" Option to my S/PDIF device. Without these settings the sound stutters like hell. With th...

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