Are there any way to limit VLC media player Cache memory? According to my knowledge we can delete VLC cache memory by click "Reset VLC media player preferences and cache files" in start menu. So are there any other way for delete only cache memory?
My PC installed Vlc media player crash more-than 4 time in 2.5 hours. Every time when i restarting Vlc player show "Vlc just crash, Send crash report to developers............" i send that reports to Vlc great developers. So its better if Vlc show "Crash report sending Progressing bar...
When I was watching 2 and half hours movie using VLC media player at that time VLC player crash 4 times. Why is that. How do i prevent that type of problems?
I don't have a internet connection. I'm using "UBUNT 9.10". So i'm using keryx for download ubuntu packages and its dependencie. (more detail for keryx vist " " ) So i want know what are the vlc media player & vlc audio video pluns " Apt-get l...