Hi, I'm trying to use VLC to view a network stream, but the result is pixeled (as you can see in the image). The stream can be seen on a website, and it looks good. (see 2nd image). This happens for on two different windows 10 computers running the latest VLC, on two different streams (but from the ...
Ok, managed to fix my problem, thanks. I'll write the solution for future people searches. basiclly this post says it all http://jenders.vox.com/library/post/video-preview-thumbnails-x64-vista-wmp11-avi-bug-shimgvwdll.html It's a problem with x64 windows, the 64bit explorer cannot use the 32bit code...
Yea, i know vlc doesn't do the preview, but windows explorer does that (with it's own codecs). But i've read around the forums that for some reason sometimes VLC screws that up, and since i have the right codecs installed but windows explorer refuses to make the preview, i'm coming here for help... ...
Hey, I've searched through the forums for this problem but couldn't find an answer. I've a good codec pack installed, if i open a file in windows media player then it plays it without any problem. However, no thumbnails are created in windows explorer for almost all of the files (for some reason, i'...