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by kim_woo2010
02 Dec 2009 14:30
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: How To Play AC3 audio file clearly
Replies: 0
Views: 438

How To Play AC3 audio file clearly

Hi all, i cross-compiled(to ARM) liba52 and link it with VLC (which also cross-compiled to ARM) but when i try to play AC3 audio files. the heared sound is not clear and it seems like it contains noise beside the original sound . also VLC report this message at run time "No accelerated IMDCT tr...
by kim_woo2010
02 Dec 2009 14:12
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: playing AC3 audio files
Replies: 1
Views: 586

playing AC3 audio files

Hi all, i cross-compiled(to ARM) liba52 and link it with VLC (which also cross-compiled to ARM) but when i try to play AC3 audio files. the heared sound is not clear and it seems like it contains noise beside the original sound . also VLC report this message at run time "No accelerated IMDCT tr...

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