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by Wannabe Tsotsi
08 Jan 2010 10:57
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: error on compiling during bootstrap
Replies: 9
Views: 2640

Re: error on compiling during bootstrap

Thanks Jean-Baptiste, solves both the requirement for m4_pattern_allow's (^dnl ^AC_ ^AS_ ^m4) and the missing PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro definition.
by Wannabe Tsotsi
06 Jan 2010 18:50
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: error on compiling during bootstrap
Replies: 9
Views: 2640

Re: error on compiling during bootstrap

Working from the same doc, Win32CompileMSYSNew, I have an XP system very similar to your's and experienced the same problems. I found that the msys/mingw env was missing pkg.m4, which is where the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro is defined. I copied pkg.m4 from a Debian build system into vlc-1.0.3/m4 and bo...
by Wannabe Tsotsi
01 Dec 2009 11:10
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian
Replies: 10
Views: 836

Re: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian

mingw runtime's 3.14 is fixed with an upgrade to 3.15 Debian Squeeze Synaptic package manager presents the following minw32 packages: gcc-mingw32-4.4.2-1 mingw32-binutils-2.18.50-200801 mingw32-runtime-3.13.1 mingw32-4.2.1.dfsg-1 I initially installed the first three. Subsequently installing mingw3...
by Wannabe Tsotsi
27 Nov 2009 18:49
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian
Replies: 10
Views: 836

Re: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian

Mingw version?
Yes, that's the problem:


I've got this instance of vlc up and running now but will update mingw and rebuild.

Thanks for all your help.
by Wannabe Tsotsi
27 Nov 2009 15:25
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian
Replies: 10
Views: 836

Re: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian

debugging with gdb showed the cause of the SIGSEGV in vasprintf() to be the %zu format in the following. modules/modules.c:552 in __module_need() msg_Dbg( p_this, "looking for %s module: %zu candidate%s", psz_capability, count, count == 1 ? "" : "s" ); Also highlighted,...
by Wannabe Tsotsi
27 Nov 2009 15:21
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian
Replies: 10
Views: 836

Re: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian

1.1.0 is the trunk so you get it with

Code: Select all

git clone git://
Ah, that's why I didn't see it explicitly listed as a branch or tag, thanks very much.
by Wannabe Tsotsi
26 Nov 2009 13:38
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian
Replies: 10
Views: 836

Re: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian

Sorry, not being particularly familiar with git, `git branch -r` does not show a 1.1.0 branch, origin/1.0-bugfix seems the closest.

What am I missing ?

by Wannabe Tsotsi
25 Nov 2009 18:08
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian
Replies: 10
Views: 836

vlc-1.0.3 crashes with SIGSEGV on XP, cross built on Debian

Same failure mode whether run from Windows Explorer, Command Promt, Msys or Cygwin, immediate: "VLC crash reporting" dialog box VLC media player just crashed. Do you want to send a bug report to the developers team ? In Mysy and Cygwin env's "vlc.exe -vvv -extraintf=logger" does ...

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