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by shibaji
24 Sep 2005 11:19
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: how to define size in mosaic
Replies: 1
Views: 785

how to define size in mosaic

when i use --mosaic-height 400 and --mosaic-width 350 ,it doesn't take action properly when i r from command line its give the reultb as a small window even when i use mosaic-bridge out with height and width it doesn't change so kindly define how i define size My file is that: new channel1 broadcast...
by shibaji
23 Sep 2005 09:15
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: how to run mosaic configuration file
Replies: 0
Views: 2628

how to run mosaic configuration file

My query is that in command prompt first i enter in vlc folder then write vlc -I telnet and then telnet localhost 4212 then i want to run configuration file for mosaic the file is that new channel1 broadcast enabled setup channel1 input dshow:// setup channel1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=...
by shibaji
15 Sep 2005 08:56
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: streaming live audio by rtsp
Replies: 1
Views: 660

streaming live audio by rtsp

how can i do rtsp streaming for audio but when i started server side vlc the client side get the audio track but when i speak any topics the client side can't heard give the deatails how i can and i run vlc by command promt and i use sdp file so kindly give me the total command urgently Thanks All S...

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