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by Conformist138
09 Nov 2009 14:51
Forum: Skins
Topic: 3 simple (i hope) questions...
Replies: 8
Views: 2479

Re: 3 simple (i hope) questions...

yes, i have 294 frames but the gap is still there. i would have made it blank but then the tooltip that shows the exact time isn't available (needs real pixels, i suppose?) but i think it'll work if i just use a black line instead of tan. the small marks over the slider seem to hinder seeking. i saw...
by Conformist138
06 Nov 2009 11:18
Forum: Skins
Topic: 3 simple (i hope) questions...
Replies: 8
Views: 2479

Re: 3 simple (i hope) questions...

thank you. i busted out the calculator and zoomed in on the bitmaps of other people's sliders and figured out it appears that each slice should be the desired height of the slider and that the bottom slice should be the 100% length with each slice above it progressively shortening. It appears the mo...
by Conformist138
05 Nov 2009 13:32
Forum: Skins
Topic: 3 simple (i hope) questions...
Replies: 8
Views: 2479

Re: 3 simple (i hope) questions...

Something i just noticed: the skins with sliders like i want have their background bitmap as a triangle? even when the bar is just a straight line, the source image is in the form of a triangle... is there something to this? i think this should give a good idea of just how new i am to this. i had no...
by Conformist138
05 Nov 2009 10:39
Forum: Skins
Topic: 3 simple (i hope) questions...
Replies: 8
Views: 2479

Re: 3 simple (i hope) questions...

there is an lcars skin, but the one i'm working on is specific to match the LCARSx32 replacement shell. the LCARS skin that exists is quite a bit different (colors, bar sizes, angles, font, etc). the volume button problem was solved (don't ask, but for some reason even though it said i had selected ...
by Conformist138
04 Nov 2009 13:02
Forum: Skins
Topic: 3 simple (i hope) questions...
Replies: 8
Views: 2479

3 simple (i hope) questions... Just a few problems I've gotten stuck on: 1. Can a skin only resize from the bottom and the right of a window? When images on the top or the left of a window have...
by Conformist138
01 Nov 2009 08:32
Forum: Skins
Topic: Help for a total moron?
Replies: 1
Views: 1005

Help for a total moron?

is there any other tutorial out there for the vlc skin editor besides the main instruction page? those instructions are not really written to give someone a step-by-step of how the program is used and since i have zero experience with skins i am left with far more questions than answers. i've spent ...
by Conformist138
30 Oct 2009 10:31
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Problem pausing DVDs
Replies: 1
Views: 156

Problem pausing DVDs

I've had this problem as long as i've used VLC. When I pause a DVD for longer than about 20 seconds and press play again it hangs up and jumps several seconds ahead in the movie. I've heard that increasing the cache could help so i upped it from the default (300) to 20,000 and it made absolutely no ...

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