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by chmiller
16 Nov 2009 20:14
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100
Replies: 19
Views: 5365

Re: Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100

If I disable/disconnect all other NICs, I can pull a stream on any one of them. As I am streaming video, I can enable/reconnect all other devices and function as needed. If I try to pull a stream from a new address, while still connected to other devices, VLC fails.
by chmiller
03 Nov 2009 17:41
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100
Replies: 19
Views: 5365

Re: Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100

K. Thank you. I will keep hammering on it. If I get it figured out, I will post what I found.
by chmiller
02 Nov 2009 17:37
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100
Replies: 19
Views: 5365

Re: Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100

I have both adapters wide open, and I was trying to keep it that way. They are both sitting at default settings, so I would have thought it wouldn't matter which one I use. Any laptop, switch, or set-top box I plug in will automatically stream. It is just the pcmcia that won't accept the video. How ...
by chmiller
29 Oct 2009 19:21
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100
Replies: 19
Views: 5365

Multiple NIC/ETH ports - Can't stream through PCMCIA 110/100

I am not sure if this thread should be in this topic, or if this issue has been addressed in a previous thread, but here goes. (Yes, I did use the search button - thanks in advance, Mods, for putting this where it needs to go :oops: ) I have a laptop that generally stays connected to the corporate n...

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