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by shilkman
25 Oct 2009 12:51
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC won't stream off YouTube now
Replies: 11
Views: 9275

Re: VLC won't stream off YouTube now

I have the same problem. I replaced swfArgs with SWF_ARGS on both places but it didn’t work. At first, I thought I made a mistake when I edited the file so I uninstalled the player. But even after I installed it again and edited the youtube.lua file one more time it still refused to stream. I’ll be...
by shilkman
25 Oct 2009 10:40
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC won't stream off YouTube now
Replies: 11
Views: 9275

Re: VLC won't stream off YouTube now

Thanks shiikman for the help! I was able to find the document and I was able to open it, but for some reason I can't save it. I am able to open and edit it, but everytime that I try to save it the computer says that I don't have the privilege or something to edit the document. I have tried replacin...
by shilkman
24 Oct 2009 09:52
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC won't stream off YouTube now
Replies: 11
Views: 9275

Re: VLC won't stream off YouTube now

Open the youtube.lua file with a text editor and replace "swfArgs" with "SWF_ARGS" and it will work again. Uhm, I don't know if this a stupid question or not since I'm really new to Ubuntu, but how exactly do you access the youtube.lua file? Do you have to save something, or is ...
by shilkman
23 Oct 2009 15:31
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC won't stream off YouTube now
Replies: 11
Views: 9275

Re: VLC won't stream off YouTube now

Open the youtube.lua file with a text editor and replace "swfArgs" with "SWF_ARGS" and it will work again.
Yes it does indeed. Thanks for that. It fooled me at first as there are TWO occurences of swfArgs in that file.

by shilkman
23 Oct 2009 11:52
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC won't stream off YouTube now
Replies: 11
Views: 9275

VLC won't stream off YouTube now

I cannot get VLC 1.0.2 to stream videos off YouTube any more. Despite cutting and pasting the URL into VLC I just always get the message "VLC can't recognize the input's format:"...this despite me being able to look at the same videos only recently by this means. I have reloaded VLC severa...

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