yes, no problem when i open the video streams in vlc player. in mosaic there are the following debug messages (repeated) main warning: original picture size is undefined mosaic debug: too late picture for 1 (211704) mosaic debug: too late picture for 3 (175471) mosaic debug: too late picture for 4 (...
Hi, I used VLC 1.11 to display four Axis-Webcams in one mosaic pictures without any problem. After upgrading to VLC 2.0 I changed a little bit the code, because the fake input was not longer supported. Finally, I got the mosaic with the four axis webcams, but the picture is not smooth. It seems that...
It also happens with vlc nightly builds. You can try it yourself if you use the VLM file above - it doesn't matter if the webcam is connected or not. When you use a vdev name with # sign in it the error occurs - vlc adds always a quote sign.
no, it doesn't work better. the vlm file needs the quotations marks. error message is "wrong command syntax" - see below ´main debug: creating VLM main debug: creating access '' path='C:\Users\manfred\Documents\videolanconf\vlc_player2.vlm' main debug: looking for access module: 5 candidat...
ok, this is the message log if i use the gui (which is working properly) main debug: processing request item Streaming node Wiedergabeliste skip 0 main debug: resyncing on Streaming main debug: Streaming is at 1 main debug: starting new item main debug: creating new input thread main debug: Creating...
I think that this is the relevant part of the messages log (verbosity level 2): main debug: using access module "access_file" main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms) main debug: Using AStream*Stream main debug: pre buffering main debug: receive...
Hello, I tried to stream two webcams of the same type. VLC names the first webcam with "Philips SPC1330NC Webcam", the second "Philips SPC1330NC Webcam #1". If I use the GUI, there ist no problem. If I use a VLM file to control the webcams, I'cant use the second webcam. Here is m...
i upgraded the webcam driver yesterday and now i can stream the video. one strange problem appeared: videostreaming is no problem when my laptop runs on battery. if i connect the powerplug, i can't receive any video (i use rtp). i compared the message log and there are only two differences: main war...
Hi, I have the same problem. When I try to stream or only view from some DirectShow devices, the video display correct for about 4 or 5 secondes. Then I receive the same errors. In VLC 0.9.9 and older there was no problem. Here is the messages log: stream_out_transcode debug: late picture skipped (8...