I m using Videolan.Interop for libvlc in C#. everything is fine but when I set in VideoLanClient.cs the option
string[] args = {... "--play-and-stop", ...}
VlcMediaListPlayer ignores the setting,
does anybody know, wheres my mistake?
Our mp3 are stored in a database, and I dont want to create the mp3 first on the harddisc and than play them, is there a way I can call libvlc_media_new( libvlc_instance_t *p_instance,const char * psz_mrl, libvlc_exception_t *p_e ) where char* psz_mrl points to a memoryStream? Is there a method whic...
Hello, I downloaded version 1.0.0 from http://meedios.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/meedios/MeediOS/Auxiliary/VideoLan/ Everything works fine, but when I use the sampleProject VlcMediaListPlayer.Sample the player crashes after playing the first item of the playlist, I debugged a little bit and found th...