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by alex01pernot
01 Oct 2009 18:42
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: problem select dshow source (activex and delphi)
Replies: 5
Views: 2945

Re: problem select dshow source (activex and delphi)

I've send you a PM.
I just want to add that I've the same problem with the "LibVLC" (api) whereas this api works for read a file for exemple.
by alex01pernot
25 Sep 2009 11:28
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: problem select dshow source (activex and delphi)
Replies: 5
Views: 2945

problem select dshow source (activex and delphi)

Hello, I try to create a programme which use the VLC activex to capture my web-cam video. I've no problem with this activex and my programme works well if I have only 1 cam detected by VLC (in "video device name" list in "capture device" menu). to capture video I use the code (wh...

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