Thanks... I've tried many versions... The video always will be played, but not rotated. How must I set the options??? Dim loOptionen(1) As String loOptionen(0) = "video-filter" loOptionen(1) = "rotate=190" llHandle = frmVLC.VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add(gfsGetBildDateiName(glBildID(gi...
Where I see the messages? With that command, the video will be played: frmVLC.VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add "\\server-barnie\FotoDB_FileStore01\Datenfiles\0308\#00308328#MOV03821.MPG" and here - nothing happend: frmVLC.VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add "--video-filter ""rotate{angle=90}&q...
I've inserted the activex control VLCPlugin21 in my VB application. It works great! Now some videos must be rotated. Is it possible to do this with that contol? Only fpr viewing, not for saving!