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by davidf
18 Feb 2006 02:49
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Activex with Delphi Keyboard Issues
Replies: 0
Views: 1753

Activex with Delphi Keyboard Issues

I have tried everything that I am aware of and it seems that once the activex control has been activated in fullscreen mode it steals the keyboard focus and won't return it. So if I set the activex back to non fullscreen mode i can't use keyboard control( i.e. remote control emulating keyboard) unle...
by davidf
14 Feb 2004 16:30
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Incoming Multicast stream to XVID
Replies: 0
Views: 614

Incoming Multicast stream to XVID

I have an incoming stream (mpeg1- free to air TV thru cable) that I want to transcode to XVID or a format that can be recompressed after transcoding. No matter what I try I can't succesfully get the incoming stream into a format that is completely usable outside of VLC, When I try just encapsulating...

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