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by nihao
25 Oct 2020 08:19
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: DRM Support in Android
Replies: 0
Views: 345

DRM Support in Android

Streaming Services use Widevine and other methodsto protect their videos. The Kodi media center can use the Android Framework to play these streams. It would be nice if we could feed the m3u8 and mpd addresses into vlc and it would make the proper license requests and play the file. Maybe alongside ...
by nihao
21 Jan 2018 12:04
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Is it possible to transfer cookies from the browser to VLC for Akamai Streams?
Replies: 0
Views: 1779

Is it possible to transfer cookies from the browser to VLC for Akamai Streams?

I wanted to use my VLC player to watch streams coming from Akamai infrastructure. If i grab the manifest url in Firefox via DevTools and insert it in the vlc playlist it usually works. In this specific case it won't work. If you access the url for the first time in the browser, they set cookies whic...
by nihao
15 Apr 2017 17:27
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Amazon Audible AAX format support
Replies: 1
Views: 2958

Amazon Audible AAX format support

Amazons audiobooks come in aax format which is encrypted with a personal key. VLC can partially parse the file without this key already and shows coverart , description and other metadata. The key can be parsed out of an existing Audible Installation with a fallback to manual input if the keystorage...
by nihao
09 Jun 2014 12:54
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC issues with BBC flv files
Replies: 0
Views: 316

VLC issues with BBC flv files

When i record BBC shows with rtmpdump and save the flv to my hd and try to play the file with vlc afterwards, i get a few issues. The file itself opened with a text editor reveals meta data at the top of the file like the shows name and the date the show aired. VLC file info stays empty. Even more a...

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