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by fcch2000
04 Sep 2009 19:44
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: how to play video again after run-time timeout?
Replies: 0
Views: 213

how to play video again after run-time timeout?

The "--run-time=1" command can play 1 second video and then stop.
Is there any command to start to play vodeo again after "run-time" stop?
For example, I would like send video stream for 1 second long for every 5 seconds period.


by fcch2000
04 Sep 2009 18:21
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Unable to convert/transcode to MPEG2
Replies: 23
Views: 4913

Re: Unable to convert/transcode to MPEG2

Does video "dshow-fps=0" or "dshow-fps=1" work?
I tried it and seems not working at all. I did not make any difference if set the "dshow-fps" to difference numer.

by fcch2000
04 Sep 2009 18:11
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Is rtp_thread() not activated ?
Replies: 2
Views: 663

Re: Is rtp_thread() not activated ?

I did try different port other than 1234, and also changed rtp local port for the NATs issue. From the Wireshark sniffer, both PCs have incoming stream which sending by the other side, and the net_Read() just never call. I added debug message in the net_Read() and rtp_thread(). I did change the send...
by fcch2000
03 Sep 2009 21:21
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Is rtp_thread() not activated ?
Replies: 2
Views: 663

Is rtp_thread() not activated ?

Hi, I am able to send and capture video streams simultaneously on both sides over two PCs on local area network, but it is unable to do it over internet simultaneously. Here are the two send and capture commands on two different computers to send and capture stream simultaneously over internet. on P...
by fcch2000
03 Sep 2009 19:16
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: How to send and capture video stream both?
Replies: 0
Views: 531

How to send and capture video stream both?

I am able to open two seperate vlc.exe commands to send stream and capture on one compter over network. Can vlc 1.0.1 be able to use one vlc.exe command to send camera stream and capture incoming stream at the same time over network? Here are the two send and capture commands on two different comput...

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