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by FFFan64
31 Aug 2009 12:03
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?
Replies: 7
Views: 1657

Re: How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?

simply because i dont want an image on my hdd , but in memory because i am doing en opencv analysis after :)
by FFFan64
28 Aug 2009 16:08
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?
Replies: 7
Views: 1657

Re: How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?

thx for the reply. I can see the stream on my screen. Here is the code that play the stream, all i want to do is grabe a frame in memory. void Player::playFile(QString file) { //the file has to be in one of the following formats /perhaps a little bit outdated) /* [file://]filename Plain media file h...
by FFFan64
28 Aug 2009 15:47
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?
Replies: 7
Views: 1657

Re: How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?

why if i put

Code: Select all

mediacontrol_RGBPicture * mc_rgb = mediacontrol_snapshot(_mi,NULL,&exception);
my mc_rgb is always null and exception is filled by : exception = {code=5 message=0x03f51ca0 "No input" }

how should i use this function please?
by FFFan64
27 Aug 2009 18:44
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?
Replies: 7
Views: 1657

How to use mediacontrol_snapshot function ?

Hi, I try to get a mediacontrol_RGBPicture from the mediacontrol_snapshot function but I don't really understand the mediacontrol_Position parameter, how to use it ? I want to retrieve in memory a frame from a stream. mediacontrol_PositionOrigin an_origin; mediacontrol_PositionKey a_key; mediacontro...

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